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High volume, fast turnover, frequently-purchased everyday goods need reliable and efficient supply chains to get them to where they need to be…on time. Consumer goods (or consumer packaged or fast-moving consumer goods) span a range of products and industries from foods, beverages to personal care, home care and stationary.  These goods touch many facets of our everyday lives and as such, rely on a complex yet efficient range of supply chain solutions to get them to where they need to be 24/7/365.


As one of the leading providers of end-to-end supply chain management solutions to many in the East African region’s major and emerging brands, we have a range of services and solutions to meet your consumer goods needs. With our well organized fleet and personnel you can rest assured that we have the solutions and services to help your business stay ahead in a fast-moving, fast-changing marketplace.

Defined, developed and delivered to perform - DDD
Our regional track record in supply chain management means that you have instant access to the vast array of knowledge and experience we have gained from working with different industries, regions and systems. We are not only able to define the issues (and understand how you define them), but more importantly, develop the most appropriate solutions for your specific needs.Our approach ensures that you benefit from having customized solutions from a single, trusted source; a source that is able to deliver tangible commercial advantages across multiple regions.

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