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Tailored Services

If your shipment doesn’t neatly fit into any one category, not to worry! We have a specialty transportation department for some pretty unusual things – from giant oil rigs to hydro water turbines to electricity transformers to bridge equipment. Our goal is to provide you with any specialty transportation solution you could possibly need, no matter how obscure or complicated. For our in-house expert logistics consultants, being able to fulfill your unique requests is one of the most exciting aspects of our business. If you’re not sure who to call, that’s a sign that you should probably just call us!

Hazmat | Dangerous Goods Transportation
Whether you’re shipping explosives, gases, liquids, solids, oxidizers, poisons, or corrosives, we have a qualified and trained team that specialize in hauling these materials. Safe hazmat transportation protocols are of huge importance for everyone. That’s why we’re one of the few 3PLs who participate in Responsible Care, the chemical industry initiative that demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in health, safety, and environmental performance. We are committed to the safe handling and transportation of chemical shipments, and this distinguishes us from many other logistics providers of our kind. Our logistics consultants can help ensure that the right carriers are on the job, moving your shipment safely.

Oversized | Over-dimensional
Need to ship something that’s heavy, bulky, or just plain huge? Also known as “heavy haul” or “wide load,” these shipments have some pretty intense legal requirements and call for specialized equipment. It can be a bit overwhelming trying to discern what can and cannot actually be shipped or moved over the road. As one of the top specialty heavy haul trucking companies, our logistics consultants have considerable expertise in this area, allowing us to easily sort out the details and get your shipment arranged as quickly as possible.

Specialty Transportation Equipment
When it comes to the unusual equipment required for lots of specialty transportation situations, we’ve definitely got you covered. To name only some of the hard-to-find equipment we can get lined up for you: barges, drayage, power only, trailer shipping, auto carriers… basically, if it has a name, we’ll hunt it down for you – and if it doesn’t have a name, we can probably figure out how to do it anyway.

White Glove
For higher-value freight, we can arrange for white glove service to ensure it gets top-notch protective care from pickup to delivery. Whether it’s high-value or fragile equipment, you can rely on our trustworthy, knowledgeable stuff to provide your freight with the specialized care it requires.

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